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Cyborg Mutant Physiology | Superpower Wiki | Fandom
The user either is or can become a cyborg mutant, a hybrid of a mutant of any species and any mechanical or digital entity such as machines and artificial intelligence. This relates to cyborgs, robotized mutants, digital mutants, machines or digital beings transformed into mutant form or an organic being … See more
- 1. Bionic/Cybernetic/Cybernetic/Digital/Me…
- 2. Cronenberg Android/Cyborg/Machine/Robot Body/Fo…
- 3. Cyborg Mutant Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry
- 4. Mutated/Mutant … See more
- 1. Artificial Heart
- 2. Artificial Soul/Digital Soul/Mutant Soul
- 3. Bio-Metal Physiology
- 4. B… See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licenseCyborgs | X-Men Movies Wiki | Fandom
Cyborgs are humans and/or mutants that have been cybernetically enhanced. They are not fully mechanical and typically only have one or two body parts altered. It is most commonly used to replace missing limbs. To be added. In …
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Sebastion Gilberti (Earth-616) | Marvel Database
Sentinel Creation: Bastion has the natural ability to create cyborg mutant killers called Prime Sentinels using a nanite based conversion process. These powers were magnified many times over with the introduction of the T.O. Virus into his …
Flyborg | TMNTPedia | Fandom
The Flyborg is a cyborg mutant fly created by Baxter Stockman. He introduces it to Krang as his "side-project", an expendable laborer whose efficiency far exceeds that of Krang's current workers. Stockman tells Krang he plans to …
Mutated Cyborg | System Shock Wiki | Fandom
Only encountered later in the game, the Mutated Cyborg is a bulky mutation of a Cyborg created by SHODAN. On its right arm is a gigantic claw that can shoot energy beams at the player at closer range. Attached to his head is an energy …
Cyborg - TV Tropes
Those who have been subject to cybernetics are called Cyborgs, as opposed to Androids, which are Ridiculously Human Robots. It's somewhat common in media that take place in the "present", and will almost certainly come up in storylines …
- People also ask
Mutated Cyborg (System Shock Remake) - Fandom
The Mutated Cyborg is an enemy encountered in System Shock (Remake). Compared to the original game, the remake version has received a number of appearance changes. Once a human being, Mutated Cyborg - is truly one of …
Category:Cyborg mutants | TMNTPedia | Fandom
Mutants with cybernetic parts. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Cyborg mutants : r/cataclysmdda - Reddit
Currently they appear to have no actual dialogue representing their dislike of mutants. In the future that will certainly change. Apparently when this happens they may be able to tell if you …
Cyborg - Mutant Future Wiki
Cyborgs are augmented beings fitted with technological enhancements: Cybernetic implants, bio-ware, nano-machines, alien parasites, etc. Hit Dice: 1d6 per point of CON Mutations: 1d6+2 …
Space Kitty - spacekittycomic.com
One of the standout features of Cyborg Mutant Space Kitties is its world-building. The comic takes readers on a journey through a richly detailed universe filled with vibrant alien planets, derelict …
Cybernetic organism | Fallout Wiki - Fandom
A cybernetic organism, more commonly known as a cyborg, is any biological organism whose physical or mental abilities are extended beyond normal limitations by either electronic, …
Category:Cyborgs | TMNTPedia | Fandom
Beings that are part organic, part robotic. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Silas Burr (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom
Cyber is a mutant that possesses various superhuman abilities that were the result of his mutation, but some may be due to or enhanced by artificial means is unknown. Though he has …
X-Men: Mutants Created Marvel's Most LETHAL Cyborg (and It …
Apr 13, 2020 · With no discernable upper limits on its power, it truly is an Omega-Level cyborg. Its primary means of attack is firing powerful energy blasts from an arm cannon, but its real …
Cable - X-Men Movies Wiki
Josh Brolin's character, Cable, in 'Deadpool 2' is a future-born cybernetic mutant soldier. He plays a dual role as the deuteragonist and secondary antagonist, known for his war-bred nature and …
How could a radiowave controlled cyborg-mutant be possible?
Jun 11, 2023 · In human body, longest axons are in sciatic nerve where they can exceed one meter (more than 3´4"), so long enough axons do already exist. On a smaller scale, neurons …
System Shock Remake: All Enemies - Sirus Gaming
Jun 1, 2023 · Mutant Cyborg. The Mutant Cyborg is a mutant with its lower half replaced with cybernetics and sharp red claws that fire beams at close ranges. The visor on its head will fire …
System Shock Remake: Every Mutant, Ranked - TheGamer
Jun 9, 2023 · Mutated Cyborgs are extremely large and slow. That makes it very easy for you to land your shots from a distance. Mutated Cyborgs come with a claw that shoots energy beams …
Marvel's Most Powerful Mutant Has Become a Deadlier Cyborg
Sep 18, 2022 · Moira MacTaggert, once an ally to mutantkind and now their enemy, was once herself a mutant capable of reincarnation and living multiple lives -- when she was person, that …