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  1. 10 Crescent Moon Symbolic Meanings (Spirituality

    • Learn about the crescent moon symbol and its ancient and modern meanings in various cultures and religions. Discover how the crescent moon represents change, rebirth, death, and paradise in spirituSee more

    Origin of The Word “Crescent”

    The term “crescent” orginates from the Latin word “crescere,” which means to increase. Thus, the crescent represented the start of a new lunar cycle or month, and so was a time to make wishes, plant seeds, and invest … See more

    A Symbol of Moon Goddesses

    The Ancient Greeks associated Artemis (Diana) with the Moon and frequently painted this “goddess of the … See more

    The Crescent Symbol in Islam

    The crescent is a central symbol of Islam, and represents divine power, growth, the afterlife, and, when paired with a star, paradise. Manāt was a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess of fate, fortune, time, and destiny worshiped i… See more

    Crescent Moon and Animal Horns

    The crescent moon’s curvature in space resembles the horns of a white cow. The space around it is dark and empty, but there is hope that light will come when the moon reaches the full moon phase. Thus, similar to a … See more

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