chrysler building cloud club - Search
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  1. History

    Texaco, a prospective tenant, had asked the management of the Chrysler Building to create a restaurant for executives. The Cloud Club opened in July 1930. At the time of its opening it had 300 members. As a result of t… See more


    William Van Alen and Walter Chrysler had differing ideas of what the Cloud Club should be. The former had preferences for the modernist style while Chrysler had a preference for faux medieval and baronial styles. Cha… See more


    McGrath stated that the space overall "seems almost preposterously small by today's standards" and because of all of the facilities inside it, its "backstage" areas "must have felt like a submarine - or, rather, like a very … See more


    The fruit served included "No. 18" pink grapefruits, larger than supermarket grapefruits, and melons that were produced in a farm in Upstate New York owned by a club member. The most well-known dishes were … See more

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