build your own nativity set - Search
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  1. How to Make a Simple DIY Wooden Nativity - Lovely …

    I’m a bit of a hoarder of scrap wood so I pulled an old piece of weathered wood out of my scrap pile for this project. I love the way this nativity set looks made with textured, weathered wood. But I think it would also look gorgeous with new, smooth boards stained dark. If you are using new boards but you want them to look weathered, there are lot...

    Lovely Etc.

    My nativity is 18.75″ x 22.5″. I wanted it to be large enough to have some presence. The largest figurine, Joseph, is 4.25″ x 15.25″, Mary is 4.75″ x 10.75″, and Jesus is 5.5″ x 3.25″. Click here to download the patterns for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. You could definitely make this smaller or larger by printing the pattern pieces larger or smaller an...

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    Once you have cut out your pattern, trace each figure onto your wood. Then you can start cutting them out. If you have a scroll saw, this is the perfect project to use it for. I don’t happen to have a scroll saw, so I’m using my trusty jigsaw. As always, be sure to take proper safety precautions and wear eye protection when operating power tools. J...

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    Once your figures are cut out, it’s time to make the stable. Or if you want to skip the stable and just use the people, that works too. Compared to cutting out the figures, the stable is a piece of cake. I started out by laying out my wood to get an idea of what size and shape would work best. Then I used my miter saw to cut each piece to size. Cut...

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    The stable is constructed using wood glue and nails. If you have a nail gun, that makes things go much faster, but if not, a hammer and finishing nails also works just fine. Use wood glue to attach each piece; then use two finishing nails to secure each board in place. You can attach Mary, Jesus, and Joseph to the stable floor if you would like or ...

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