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  1. 20 Weeds With Yellow Flowers [EASY Identification] …

    Yellow hawkweed is also known as meadow hawkweed. The weed looks similar to the common dandelion. It flowers from May to July, producing compact clusters of yellow flower heads that grow at the top of bristly stems. A yellow hawkweed plant can produce up to 30 flower stems, each topped by 5-30 flowerheads. The weed has long, narrow leaves that grow...


    Golden clover flower by Fornax, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Golden clover is also known as large trefoil and hop clover. It’s a biennial weed that’s native to northwestern Asia and northern Europe. It was introduced to North America in the 19th century where it’s now naturalized. Golden clover is a yellow clover. Each plant produces numerou...

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    Dandelions are one of the most common weeds to find growing on your lawn. There are more than 250 types of dandelions. And they all have a similar distinctive-looking flowerhead. Most dandelions are weeds with yellow flowers. But you can find dandelions with pink and white flowers as well. Most dandelions bloom in the spring. The flowerhead consist...

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    Common mullein is a giant weed that’s native to Asia, North Africa, and Europe. It’s an introduced plant in Australia and North America, where it’s now considered an invasive weed in many states. The plant is biennial. In the first year, the weed grows a rosette of large leaves. In the second year, a long central stem grows up to 7 feet tall. From ...

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    This annual weed is also known as prickly sowthistle and spiny-leaved sowthistle. The plant flowers from June to August with yellow flowers that look similar to a dandelion. Spiny sowthistle isn’t a thistle. But it does share some similarities. The weed has prickly leaves. And develops a basal rosette in the early stages of growth that looks simila...

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