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- Green, black, white and blueThe Torres Strait Islander flag has 4 primary colors, which are green, black, white and blue. The table below has the common and popular codes of these colors in HEX, RGB and CMYK formats along with Pantone (PMS), RAL and NCS (Natural Color System).www.flagcolorcodes.com/torres-strait-islands
Torres Strait Islander Flag Colors - Flags
Torres Strait Islander Flag have 4 signature colors: #008264, #004B87, #FFFFFF and #000000. Check out more information like HEX, RGB, CMYK, Pantone, RAL, and more, or download the color scheme.
Torres Strait Islander Flag Colors Color Scheme » Black
Designed by Bernard Namok, the Torres Strait Islander flag has four colors in its palette – green, blue, white and black. The hexadecimal, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table. The …
Torres Strait Islander Flag Poster and Colour In …
Enjoy these great printables from Hello Homeschool - A Torres Strait Islander flag poster and also colouring in worksheet! You can use this worksheet to colour …
- Brand: Hello Homeschool
Torres Strait Islander flag | AIATSIS corporate website
The Torres Strait Islander flag was designed by the late Bernard Namok. The colours of the flag represent the Torres Strait Islander people’s connection to the land, sea and sky. The flag was the winning entry in a design competition in …
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Torres Strait Islander flag - Wikipedia
The Torres Strait Islander flag is the official flag of the Torres Strait Islanders, an Indigenous people of Australia. It was designed in 1992 by Bernard Namok, who won a local competition held by the Islands Coordinating Council.
Flag of Torres Strait Islands More flags to color in at www.flags-and-anthems.com - © 2025 by flags-and-anthems.com
What do the Colours on the Torres Strait Islander flag mean?
Feb 22, 2021 · The colours on the Torres Strait Islands flag represent the following: Green: Represents the land Blue: Represents the sea White: Represents peace Black: Represents …
Torres Strait Islander Flag Template to Colour | Twinkl
The template is quick and easy to download and print out in just a few minutes. It fits on one sheet of A4 paper, and features a black and white illustration of the Torres Strait Islander flag. Your …
The Torres Strait Islander Flag - Colouring - Teach This
HAVING TROUBLES DOWNLOADING? Follow our step-by-step guide.
What do the colours represent on the Torres Strait Islands flag ...
The colours on the Torres Strait Islands flag represent the following: Green: Represents the land; Blue: Represents the sea; White: Represents peace; Black: Represents the Indigenous peoples
The Torres Strait Flag - TSRA
The flag is emblazoned with a white Dhari (headdress) which is a symbol of Torres Strait Islanders. The white five pointed star beneath it symbolises peace, the five major island …
The Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Islander Flag
As part of our studies, we are learning about the Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Islander Flag. This printable pack contains a flag colouring page, two reading pages and two reading …
Flags of Australia Torres Strait Islander Flag Info - Twinkl
Information on the symbols, history and uses of the Torres Strait Islander flag. Once children have learnt about the flag, they might enjoy colouring it in for themselves, with this fantastic Torres …
- Reviews: 4
Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Islander Flags - Teach Starter
This agamograph activity is designed to help your students study the colour and layout of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. The fun folding element of this activity encourages …
The Torres Strait Flag - Deadly Story
The copyright of the Torres Strait Island flag is owned by the Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC). White Dhari - the Dhari is a traditional headdress made and worn by men. The white …
Flags of Australia - Torres Strait Islander Flag Label the Symbols
Flags of Australia: Torres Strait Islander flag. A blank template for students to colour correctly and label the symbolic features of the Torres Strait Islander flag.
- Reviews: 2
What Does the Torres Strait Islander Flag Represent?
Apr 16, 2023 · The Torres Strait Island flag represents the unity and identity of the Torres Strait Island people. It features three horizontal coloured panels divided by thin black lines, a white …
The Torres Strait Islander Flag - Poster and Worksheet
Use this teaching resource in the classroom when learning about the features of the Torres Strait Islander Flag. Display the poster and discuss the significance of each symbol and colour of the …
Projet:Correction syntaxique/Analyse 564 — Wikipédia
Cette page contient une analyse d'un dump pour les erreurs n°564 (Paramètre inconnu).. Elle peut être générée avec par tout utilisateur. Elle est normalement mise à jour automatiquement …
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