Spanish Viceroyalties in America Map - Search
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  1. Introduction to the Spanish Viceroyalties in …

    • Less than a decade after the Spanish conquistador (conqueror) Hernan Cortés and his men and Indigenous allies defeated the Mexica (Aztecs) at their capital city of Tenochtitlan in 1521, the first viceroyalty,See more

    The Viceroyalty of Peru

    The Viceroyalty of Peru was founded after Francisco Pizarro’s defeat of the Inka in 1534. Inspired by Cortés’s journey and conquest of Mexico, Pizarro had made his way south … See more

    Evangelization in The Spanish Americas

    Soon after the military and political conquests of the Mexica (Aztecs) and Inka, European missionaries began arriving in the Americas to begin the spiritual conquests … See more

    Strategies of Dominance in The Early Colonial Period

    Spanish churches were often built on top of Indigenous temples and shrines, sometimes re-using stones for the new structure. A well-known example is the Church of … See more

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