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  1. How To Write a Letter (With Types and Example) | In

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    The image is titled "Business Letter Format" and shows an example letter with the parts of the letter identified on the left side. The left side includes:


    These are the general rules you should follow to write a letter:

    1.Choose the right type of paper.

    2.Use the right formatting.

    3.Choose between block or indented form.

    4.Include addresses and the date.

    5.Include a salutation.

    6.Write the body of your letter.

    7.Include a complimentary close.

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    Formal letter

    Formal letters usually follow one of four formats: indented, full block, modified block and semi-block. Formal types of letters can include: •Invitation •Job or school application •Acceptance letter •Rejection letter •Exit or resignation letter •Recommendation or referral •Offer or proposal •Agreement •Cover letter •Interview follow-up or thank you •Inquiry

    Informal letter

    Informal letters do not require a certain format and can be written in various ways. Informal types of letters can include: •Thank you •Congratulations •Sympathy or condolence •Friendship/thinking of you •Love •Appreciation •Announcement, such as a name or an address change •Letter to the editor •Welcome Related: Letter of Introduction: Overview and Examples

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    Here is an example of a professional business letter that you can use to help you draft your own. In this example, you will see the block format:

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