Ryouko Ookami Death - Search
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  1. Ryoko Okami | Ōkami-san and her Seven …

    • Ryoko has very long, light brown hair and pointy golden-brown eyes. Her common outfit is a black short sleeved sailor school girl top with red trim, a red scarf, and a black maxi skirt with slits at the side… See more


    Ryoko acts like a tsunderetowards Ryoshi; In the beginning she has a mean attitude towards him but eventually begins to be kinder to him as the story progresses. Despite her aggressive personality, she's actually a v… See more


    Ringo Akai
    Ringo is Ryoko's best friend and most trusted companion. After Ryoko had broken up with Shiro … See more


    The name Ryoko means "cool, refreshing" (涼) (ryo) and "child" (子) (ko).
    Ryoko's surname Okami means "big, great" (大) (o) and "god, deity" (神) (kami). See more


    Ryoko is considered a tsunderecharacter.
    Ryoko uses two cat boxing gloves when in combat.
    Ryoko's character is based on the wolf from the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Though on … See more

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