Repeating Patterns in Architecture - Search
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  1. Rhythm in Architecture: Finding Harmony in Design

    • Rhythm is originally a music term that means movement patterns of musical notes and lyrics at a certain time. Architecture embodies this musical term as repeating patterns of lines, shapes, surfaces an… See more

    The Role of Rhythm in Architecture

    As one of the main requirements of a well-designed building is “Venustas” (Beauty) according to Vitruvius, Rhythm plays a significant role in architecture. Because the eye wants t… See more

    How to Create Architectural Rhythm?

    1. Proportion and Scale
    Proportion and scale are big factors that play an important role in achieving rhythm in architectural design. While the proportion is the relati… See more


    Aside from playing with the proportion and scale of a building, repetition is another aspect of creating rhythm in architecture. It refers to the repeated use of patterns, shapes, ele… See more

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