Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy - Search
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  1. Copilot Answer
    Right ascension23ʰ 28ᵐ 36.2ˢ
    Declination+14° 44′ 35″
    Redshift−183 ± 0 km/s
    General information

    In 1975 Tully & Fisher determined that it was part of the Local Group. The metallicity and the related distance estimate has been subject to discussions in the scientific literature, with varying results; however, recently, b… See more

    In popular culture

    The science fiction television series Stargate Atlantis takes place in the "Pegasus galaxy" and has shown images of an irregular galaxy. However, the franchise has not explicitly stated if it is the Irregular, Spheroidal, … See more

    See also

    1. NED gives the galaxy classification as both dIrr and dSph, which means that it is a transitory between dwarf irregular and dwarf spheroidal. It is noted as transitory in Cole et al. 1999. See more

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