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  1. Myron's Missing Masterpieces
    Myron's Missing Masterpieces
    Myron of Eleutherae was an Athenian sculptor from the mid-5th century BC. He was a pioneer of the classical style, depicting realistic movement and expression.

    Myron worked almost exclusively in bronze and his fame rested principally upon his representations of athletes (including his iconic Diskobolos), in which he made a revolution, according to commentators in Antiquity, b… See more


    According to Pliny's Natural History, Myron's most famous works included "heifer, a dog (canem, Cerberus?), a Perseus, a satyr (Marsyas) admiring the flute and Minerva (Athena), a Hercules, which was t… See more


    An epigram on Ladas, the fleetest runner of his time, notes that he was commemorated in a sculpture by Myron; of Myron's Ladas there is no known copy. A description by Lucian conclusively identifies as Myron's the Discobolus or … See more


    • Minotaur, from a fountain in Athens, a Roman copy of Myron's lost group of Theseus and the Minotaur, National Archaeological Museum of Athens
    • Athena and Marsyas, Roman copies, Vatican MuseumsSee more

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