Law School Outline Template - Search
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  1. Law School Outline Tips and Template - JD Advising

    • When your professor distributes the syllabus for the class use it to create the skeleton of your outline. The syllabus will probably be divided into topics and subtopics. This will help you to see the larger roa… See more

    Do Not Include Full Case Briefs in Your Outline.

    Many students make the mistake of including too much information about the cases they read in their outlines. Unless your professor tells you differently, do not place emph… See more

    JD Advising
    Make Sure You Correctly State The Black Letter Law and Any Areas of Ambiguity.

    State the black letter law in a way that you will be able to memorize it. Do not spend time including lengthy passages from cases. If you find that you did not understan… See more

    JD Advising
    Include Hypotheticals That Your Professor Uses to Explain Difficult Concepts.

    If your professor gives you hypotheticals to explain an issue you should include them in your outline. It will help you to see how the law is applied to a particular set of facts. Additionally… See more

    JD Advising
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