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    • Created by a guardian angel, Laughing Jack was initially a colorful Jack-in-the-box clown whose personality reflected the personality of his owners. He was later sent as a Christmas present to a lonely boy … See more


    Laughing Jack used to be a colorful, tan-skinned clown who would wear a brilliant rainbow attire with shaggy red hair and a long cone nose. After being abandoned for 13 years, his appearance changed to being completely … See more


    At first, Laughing Jack was an innocent, sweet, and pure-hearted angelic creation who tried his best to comfort Isaac, … See more

    Powers and Abilities

    Laughing Jack is a magical being, with incredible dark magical powers, being able to teleport in an instant in a puff of pitch-black smoke, turn himself invisible, and being able to mutilate the bodies of his victims. Jac… See more

    Other Stories

    In an unspecified year in the modern era, Laughing Jack visited a lonely suburban 5-year-old boy named James, under the guise of an imaginary friend. James told his mother, but she dismissed it as a "phase". One night, … See more

    Full NameLaughing Jack
    AliasLaughing Jack-In-A-BoxLJJack
    Occupation'Imaginary' Clown
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