K On Banner - Search
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  1. How to make a Letter K Banner in Minecraft

    • First, open your Loomso that you have a Loom menu that looks like this: There are 3 slots in the Loom menu so that you can add a banner, a dye and an optional banner pattern.… See more

    Complete The 1st Pattern of Black Bend

    Complete the first pattern by placing 1 white banner and 1 black dye in the loom and then selecting the Bend option from the list of patterns available (use the scroll bar to see all of th… See more

    Complete The 2nd Pattern of Black Bend Sinister

    Next, complete the second pattern by placing the banner from Step #2 and 1 black dyein the loom and then selecting the Bend Sinister option from the list of patterns available: T… See more

    Complete The 3rd Pattern of Black Per Pale

    Next, complete the third pattern by placing the banner from Step #3 and 1 black dyein the loom and then selecting the Per Pale option from the list of patterns available: This will ad… See more

    Complete The 4th Pattern of White Bordure

    Next, complete the fourth pattern by placing the banner from Step #4 and 1 white dyein the loom and then selecting the Bordure option from the list of patterns available: This will ad… See more

    Move The Letter K Banner to Inventory

    Now that the Letter K banner is done, you need to move it to your inventory. Congratulations, you have made the Letter K banner in Minecraft! See more

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