Jesus Christ Crucifixion Painting - Search
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  1. Crucifixion Paintings - 10 Most Famous - Artst

    • The famous painting of Christ on the Cross was completed by Spanish artist Diego Velazquez in 1632. This is one of Diego Velazquez’s most well-known secular works; he also painted a few religious pie… See more

    Corpus Hypercubus – Salvador Dalí

    Salvador Dali painted Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) in 1954 using oil on canvas. It’s a surrealist take on the conventional Crucifixion story, showing Jesus suspended from the polyhedral net of a tesseract (hypercube… See more

    Mond Crucifixion – Raphael

    Oil on poplar panel, the Mond Crucifixion or Gavari Altarpiece is dated to 1502–1503, making it one of the earliest works by Italian Renaissance artist Raphael, and maybe the second earliest after the c.1499–1500 Baronci Alt… See more

    Crucifixion of St. Peter – Caravaggio

    Known in Italian as Crocifissione di san Pietro, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s 1601 painting for the Cerasi Chapel of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome depicts the crucifixion of Saint Peter. Another Ca… See more

    The Crucifixion of St. Peter – Michelangelo

    A fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti, titled “The Crucifixion of St. Peter,” depicts the crucifixion of the apostle (c. 1546–1550). It is located in the Vatican’s Cappella Paolina, which is part of the Vatican Palace in Rome’s Vat… See more

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