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Jawed Karim - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jawed Karim is a German-American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of YouTube and the first person to upload a video to the site.
jawed | Wikitubia | Fandom
jawed is a German-American technologist and co-founder of YouTube. He uploaded the first video on YouTube, "Me at the zoo", in 2005 and has 137,443 shares of G…
History of YouTube - Wikipedia
Jawed Karim is one of the three co-founders of YouTube, along with Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. He uploaded the first video on YouTube, titled Me at the zoo, in April 2005.
Jawed Karim - Interesting Engineering
Feb 7, 2024 · Jawed Karim, a German-American entrepreneur, is renowned as a co-founder of YouTube, revolutionizing online video sharing and shaping the digital landscape.
YouTube - Wikipedia
YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005, by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, three former employees of PayPal. Headquartered in San Bruno, California, it is the second-most-visited website in the world, after Google Search.
Jawed Karim Biography - Facts, Childhood, Family …
Jawed Karim is a German-American internet entrepreneur, technologist and co-founder of the popular American video-sharing website, YouTube, which presently operates as a subsidiary of Google. Karim was an early employee of PayPal …
Jawed Karim - Wikiwand
Jawed Karim (born October 28, 1979) is an American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of YouTube and the first person to upload a video to the site.
Me at the zoo - Wikipedia
The 19-second video features Jawed Karim, one of the co-founders of YouTube. His high school friend, Yakov Lapitsky recorded it. In the video, Karim is seen standing in front of two elephants at the San Diego Zoo in California, where he …
Jawed Karim - Wikipedia
Jawed Karim is an American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur of Bangladeshi-German origin. He co-founded YouTube in 2005 and uploaded the first video on the platform.
Jawed Karim — Wikipédia
Jawed Karim, né le 28 octobre 1979 à Mersebourg, en Allemagne, est un informaticien et entrepreneur américain d'origine bengala et allemande. Il est un des fondateurs en 2005 du service de partage de vidéo en ligne YouTube en compagnie de Chad Hurley et de Steve Chen.
Jawed Karim – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Jawed Karim (em bengali: জাওয়েদ করিম; Merseburg, 28 de outubro de 1979) é um co-fundador do popular site de compartilhamento de vídeos YouTube. Mudou-se para os Estados Unidos em 1992. Ele conheceu os outros dois co-fundadores do site quando trabalhava no PayPal. …
Jawed Karim - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Jawed Karim (kelahiran 28 Oktober 1979) adalah insinyur perangkat lunak dan pengusaha internet Amerika Serikat keturunan Bangladesh - Jerman. Ia adalah salah satu pendiri YouTube dan orang pertama yang mengunggah video ke situs tersebut.
Jawed Karim – Wikipedie
Jawed Karim (* 28. října 1979 Merseburg) je americký podnikatel bangladéšsko-německého původu. Spolu s Chadem Hurleym a Stevem Chenem patří k zakladatelům internetového serveru YouTube.
Jawed Karim - Wikiwand
Jawed Karim (born October 28, 1979) is a German-American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur. He has a Bangladeshi descent from his paternal side and a German descent from his maternal side. He is a co-founder of YouTube. He is also the first person to upload a video …
Jawed Karim – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Jawed Karim (tiếng Bengal: জাওয়েদ করিম) là một kỹ sư phần mềm và doanh nhân người Mỹ gốc Đức. Anh được biết đến rộng rãi với vai trò là cha đẻ của YouTube. Jawed Karim sinh ngày 28 tháng 10 năm 1979. Anh lớn lên tại Đức và cùng gia đình chuyển đến Mỹ vào năm 1992.
Jawed Karim - Wikipedia
Jawed Karim (n. 1 ianuarie 1979, Merseburg, Republica Democrată Germană) este un antreprenor de naționalitate germană în domeniul internetului. Este cunoscut pentru faptul că este unul dintre co-fondatorii site-ului YouTube.
Jawed Karim – Wikipedia
Jawed Karim (Bengali: জাওয়েদ করিম), född 28 oktober 1979 i Merseburg, dåvarande Östtyskland, är en av grundarna till videosajten Youtube. Karim flyttade som ettåring till Västtyskland men bor sedan 1992 i USA, där han bland annat studerat vid Stanford University.
Jawed Karim – Wikipedia
Jawed Karim (s. 28. lokakuuta 1979, Merseburg, Itä-Saksa [1]) on amerikansaksalainen internet-yrittäjä. [1] Karim tunnetaan parhaiten yhtenä YouTuben perustajista ja ensimmäisenä henkilönä, joka latasi videon YouTubeen. [1] Karimin isä on bangladeshilainen tiedemies ja äiti …
Jawed Karim - Wikiwand
Jawed Karim (born October 28, 1979) is an American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur. He is one of the co-founders of YouTube and the first person to upload a video to the site.
Џавед Карим — Википедија
Џавед Карим (нем. Jawed Karim; Мерзебург, 28. октобар 1979) амерички је софтверски инжењер и интернет предузетник бангладешко-немачког порекла. Он је суоснивач Јутјуба и прва особа која је поставила видео на сајт.
Youtube – Wikipedia
Youtube grundades av Chad Hurley, Steve Chen och Jawed Karim som alla tidigare var anställda på företaget Paypal, ett IT-företag som tillhandahåller betalningstjänster på internet. Innan Hurley anställdes av Paypal studerade han design på Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
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