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Iron Hills | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Longbeard Dwarves of Khazad-dûm colonized the Iron Hills in the First Age. The Hills were their primary source of iron-ore. The Dwarf-road through Greenwood ran northeastward to the Hills for Dwarf-traders and merchants between Khazad-dûm. Also in the First Age, some Men who migrated out of the … See more
The Iron Hills layin the north-eastern parts of Middle-earth. The hills were situated east of the Lonely Mountain, on the boundary between Rhovanion and Rhûn. The Iron Hills were rich in minerals, most notably iron, whence came their name. The Hills were … See more
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Dwarves of the Iron Hills - Tolkien Gateway
Jun 27, 2024 · The Dwarves of the Iron Hills were Dwarves belonging to the house of the Longbeards, otherwise known as Durin's Folk, who lived in the …
- Languages: Khuzdul, Westron
- Locations: Iron Hills
Iron Hills - Tolkien Gateway
Jan 15, 2025 · The Iron Hills are an area in the region of "The Dwarf-holds", ruled by "Lord Náin the Slakeless", brother of King Thorin Stonehelm. The hills and …
- Governance: Lord of the Iron Hills
- Population: Durin's Folk
- Language: Khuzdul, Westron
The Hobbit: The Dwarves of the Iron Hills, Explained
The Iron Hills were a Dwarven land east of Erebor, and its inhabitants came to Thorin's aid during the Battle of the Five Armies from The Hobbit.
Middle-earth™ Faction Focus: Iron Hills Dwarves
In this instalment of Faction Focus, the Middle-earth team delve into the mountain holds of the Iron Hills to shine a light on the armies of Dáin Ironfoot and his stoic Iron Hills Dwarves.
Armies of Middle Earth SBG: Iron Hills Dwarves …
Jun 18, 2019 · The standard Iron Hills dwarf is an elite warrior (the same points cost as a high elf warrior with shield and spear), but for that point cost you get a warrior armed with sword, shield, and an exceptional stat-line. The sword is an …
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Iron Hills - Great Library of Greyhawk
21 rows · The hills produce very high-grade iron ore, and several kinds of precious metals. Gnomes and humans do some mining in the area, but the largest and most productive mines …
Dwarf realms - Tolkien Gateway
Oct 4, 2024 · The Iron Hills were a range of small mountains rich with iron, colonized by Durin's folk during the First Age. Around the year 2500 of the Third Age, Grór son of Dáin I founded …
LOTR: Who Were The Dwarves of the Iron Hills? - MSN
One of the clans that is touched on more briefly is the Dwarves of the Iron Hills, which play a role in The Hobbit. Where did these Dwarves come from, and why were they important to...
⛰️ Iron Hills | Tolkien Wiki
Sep 1, 2020 · The Dwarf settlers of the Iron Hills have a pleasing affiliation with the Dwarves of Erebor from the Lonely Mountain. The two Dwarf groups were both kin to Thrór and Grór, and alike in mindset and features.
Iron Hills Dwarves with Spears - Warhammer
The Dwarves of the Iron Hills will follow their lord without question into battle. Their unbending resolve and will to fight drives them forwards against unassailable odds.
Dwarves of the Iron Hills | Tolkien Wiki
Sep 28, 2020 · The Dwarves of the Iron Hills were Dwarves of Longbeards or Durin 's Folk. They first settled in the Iron Hills to escape from the dragon attacks in their former realm in the Grey …
Armies of Middle Earth: Iron Hills and Erebor Reclaimed in
Jun 14, 2019 · In the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game, the Iron Hills dwarves represent the pinnacle of dwarven military power and ingenuity. The warriors themselves are both resilient …
Lord of the Iron Hills - The One Wiki to Rule Them All
Lord of the Iron Hills was the title given to the ruler of the Dwarven settlements in the Iron Hills. The title was first held by the realm's founder Grór and also by his grandson Dáin II, but …
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Iron Hills
A range of hills in the northeast of the known parts of Middle-earth, where a Dwarf-realm was founded by Grór son of Dáin I after the Dwarves were driven...
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Dwarves of the Iron Hills - Glyph Web
As events developed, the Dwarves of the Iron Hills proved crucial in winning the ensuing Battle of Five Armies. Thorin died in that battle, and with him the royal line of Thrór.
Place des Romains Map - Lauterbourg, Grand Est, France
Place des Romains is in Lauterbourg, Arrondissement of Haguenau, Grand Est. Place des Romains is situated nearby to the social service facility EHPAD de la Lauter and the historic …
Lauterbourg - Tourism, Holidays & Weekends - France Voyage
Located between forest and river, the city of Lauterbourg is still known today for being the theater of a battle between the republican troops and the Prussian troops in 1793. Ancient, it is …
Association de pêche (AAPPMA) de Lauterbourg - Carte - Zone …
La porte de Landau est un monument historique situé à Lauterbourg, dans le département français du Bas-Rhin. Porte de Landau est située à 270 mètres au sud-est de Association de …
Jun 22, 2017 · Le camping CAMPING MUNICIPAL LES MOUETTES est situé à Lauterbourg dans le Bas-Rhin, dans le Grand Est, où la palette de paysages est très riche. Il est situé au bord du …