How to Draw Easy Face Drawings - Search
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  1. How to Draw a Face: Easy Step-By-Step Tutorials fo…

    There’s an old adage in art that the human face is the most interesting landscape of them all. If you want to explore your creative side and improve your drawing skills, drawing a face is great way to go! In this article, we’ll break down the mechanics when it comes to drawing faces. We’ve even provided reference images so that you can practice along as you learn.

    There’s an old adage in art that the human face is the most interesting landscape of them all. If you want to explore your creative side and improve your drawing skills, drawing a face is great way to go! In this article, we’ll break down the mechanics when it comes to drawing faces. We’ve even provided reference images so that you can practice along as you learn.

    Draw an oval. Then, add vertical and horizontal guidelines through the center to create guidelines for the features.

    Make eyes realistic by making them almond-shaped. Place one eye’s width between each eye to keep them symmetrical.

    Focus on the shape of the base of the nose and shade under each eye to give definition to the nose’s bridge (instead of drawing a line in the middle).


    Make a light outline of a face.

    Heads aren’t actually circular; they’re oval-shaped, like an egg. Sketch an oval outline that tapers down at the bottom where the chin would be.

    Divide the oval in half vertically and horizontally.

    The easiest way to draw a face is to use dividing lines to map out the proportions of the features. First, draw a line down the center of the oval. Then cut the oval in half again, this time horizontally.

    Add another horizontal line to illustrate the nose.

    Divide the lower half of the oval again with another horizontal line. The point where the vertical line meets the lower horizontal line is the base of the nose. Sketch out the tip of the nose and add a nostril on each side.

    Sketch out the mouth with a third horizontal line.

    Divide the bottom of the oval in half again. Put the bottom of the lips on the di…

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    Draw the shape of the head using a loose oval.

    Craft a loose oval shape to guide the illustration. Heads aren’t perfectly circular, but younger people rarely have sharp chins so don’t make it too sharp.

    Add guidelines to the center of the face.

    Put one horizontal line and one vertical line in the center of the oval. This will help you compose the features evenly.

    Sketch lines to define the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

    Use your pencil to lightly sketch out the location of each part of the face. Add marks for almond-shaped eyes, note the location of the mouth, and lightly define the nose.

    Younger women rarely have harsh, sharp noses. If you want to make your drawing appear youthful, use softer lines.

    Develop the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and eyebrows.

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    You’ll add the chin later. Don’t worry if your circle isn’t perfectly round—this is just a starting point.

    You can start with an oval if you prefer, but men tend to have much more angular jawlines. This circle will represent the top portion of the head.

    Draw a guideline through the middle of the head.

    Extend the line down past the bottom of the circle until you reach the bottom of the chin. This line determines where the person is looking, so keep it straight if you want the face to be looking at the viewer.

    Define the shape of the cheeks, jaw, and chin.

    Build out the bottom half of the head by adding the jaw lines. The more angular you make the cheeks and jaw, the more “rugged” the face will eventually look.

    Younger men typically have softer, less developed jaws than adult men do.

    Sketch out the location for the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

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