Happy Birthday Cat Meme Funny - Search
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  1. 42 Best Cat Birthday Memes for Feline Festivities

    Is it too much to ask for? We think not. Cue the pun patrol. On the next edition of Catwalk Models… You could always try keeping the birthday surprise under ‘wraps.’ We can’t control our excitement any longer! When a picture is worth a thousand words. Tell your birthday cat we said psst psst psst psst. It had to be done. Just can’t hide his emotion...

    Great Pet Living

    Because cats rule. He’s feline fine and ready to dine. Nom nom nom to the last drop. Here’s to long, happy lives for all cats. Can’t type now, have to eat. I play here every night. Tik. Tok. There’s always room for more. Oh no you just didn’t. Bwah hahahahaha.

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    It’s ‘claws’ for celebration. Just don’t breathe on me, m’kay? Keep the presents. Those boxes are simply divine. Make me more. Shhhh catnap in progress. Sharp-dressed man alert. It’s all about birthday physics. And there’s no cure… Oh. Em. Gee. Sitting in birthday silence but taking it all in. Set your alarm clocks. Someone had to say it. Mmmm chee...

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    And he looks so dapper in the outfit. Celebrate me home. Don’t make me ask twice. And make sure it’s a bit warm. Bow at my paws. Inside every cat is an eternal kitten. Birthdays only come once a year, so rock on! Fit to be tied. Cuteness alert in 3…2…1

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