Green tea - Search
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  1. 10 Evidence-Based Benefits of Green Tea - Healthline

    • Green tea may help support cognition, maintenance of moderate weight, and offer some protection against cancer.
      Green tea is touted to be one of the healthiest be… See more

    1. Contains plant-based antioxidant compounds

    Green tea contains a type of polyphenol called a catechin. Catechins are antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide other health benefits.
    The most w… See more

    2. May improve cognitive function

    A 2017 research paper found that drinking green tea may benefit cognition, mood, and brain function, … See more

    3. Could help with fat burning

    A 2022 review found that the ability of green tea to positively influence your metabolism is enhanced with aerobic or resistance exercise.
    That said, t… See more

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