Gluten Free Food Pyramid - Search
  1. Gluten Free Nutrition Pyramid - Schär

    • The basis of the gluten free pyramid is liquid. Liquids provide the body with fluid (water), essential minerals (such as calcium), and quench your thirst. Our bodies needs water to help 1. flush out waste 2. transpor… See more

    Level 2 - Vegetables and Fruits

    Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals, fibre and phytochemicals. The "Five-a-day" rule is divided into 2 portions of fruit and 3 portionsof v… See more

    Level 3 - Whole Grains, Cereals, Potatoes and Legumes

    Gluten free rolls and breads, (unsweetened) cereal, cereals, gluten free pasta, rice, potatoes, polenta, amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat, milletor legumes are part of ever… See more

    Level 4 - Dairy Products, Meat, Fish, Eggs and Tofu

    Animal foods such as dairy products, meat, fish and eggs, and tofu contain plenty of protein, are important for muscle growth and the immune system. They also provide valuable nu… See more

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