Glute Bridge vs Hip Thrust - Search
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  1. Glute Bridge vs. Hip Thrust: What's the Difference? - Shape

    • As previously mentioned, the hip thrust is done with the shoulders elevated. For the uninitiated, a hip thrust workout requires some kind of upper back support and usually includes weight, typically in the form … See more

    Benefits of The Glute Bridge

    To do a glute bridge, lie faceup on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep … See more

    How to Choose Between The Glute Bridge vs. Hip Thrust

    So, how do you know when to choose the hip thrust or the glute bridge for your exercise routines? They're both beneficial, but here are some instances when one or the other m… See more

    So, Which Is Better: Glute Bridge vs. Hip Thrust?

    You can (and should!) incorporate both glute bridges and hip thrusts into your workout routine. "Variety is key to a well-rounded glute-building exercise regime," says Bellan… See more

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