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Summer Reinforcement Packet Students Entering 2nd Grade Our first graders had a busy year learning new math skills. Mastery of all these skills is extremely important in order to develop a solid math foundation. The second grade math program will add onto these first grade skills, …
A packet of activities and exercises for students entering second grade in Striar School District. The packet covers math, reading, writing, and phonics skills to prevent summer learning loss.
A PDF document with activities and tips to help students prepare for second grade in reading, writing, math, and vocabulary. Includes sight word lists, journal prompts, word tiles, library …
Here is your summer packet for math learning! We hope you will use these resources to help your student continue building and strengthening math skills until we see them again in September.
2 Dear Parents, Each student is expected to engage in fun and consistent math practice throughout the summer to avoid the summer slide. Brains need rest, too, however, so don’t …
As many of you are planning for your summer activities for your children, we want you to remember to encourage your children to read over the summer break! Reading for the sake of …
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Skills and Ideas to Review/Preview for Students Entering Grade 2 M a the m ati c s In Grade 1, the focus was on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and …
Please complete and return this packet in August to your second grade teacher. The grade receiving the largest percentage of summer packets returned will win an extra recess at school.
Welcome to the summer math packet for students entering second grade. Activities are designed to support instruction in the MCPS curriculum in both its content and presentation.
Entering Grade 2 Summer Packet | PDF - Scribd
The teacher has provided a summer math and reading packet for students to complete over the summer break to help prepare them for second grade. The packet is divided into six weekly sections with suggested activities and is …
May 2, 2024 · Dear Second Grade Parents, We are praying that your summer vacation is relaxing and enjoyable. We have assigned summer homework to help maintain your child’s reading …
Your child has learned so much this school year! It is important that your child keep his/her brain active over the summer to be ready for next year. This packet includes important reading, …
MATH Summer Packet Entering Grade 2 In Grade 1 You Le arned How To: Operations and Algebraic Thinking • R e pre s e nt a nd s ol ve probl e m s i nvol vi ng a ddi t i on a nd s ubt ra …
Attached is the summer math packet for students entering into Second Grade. This packet of practice activities will provide review, reinforcement and enrichment of the concepts taught in …
ReadWorks Summer Reading Packets
Learn more about Summer of ReadWorks Workbooks available to purchase for Grades 2, 3, and 4. Topics include: birds, plants, fun.
Welcome to the summer math packet for students entering Second Grade. The design of the activities is meant to support instruction in the new curriculum in both its content and …
May 2, 2022 · Students entering second grade are required to spend some time reading and completing math computations this summer. Select and complete at least 10 different reading …
In First Grade, students explored math concepts based on four standards. The eight activities in this summer math packet reflect the content of those four standards. Summer Packet Content: …
Here are some suggestions to become better prepared for 2nd Grade. i-Ready – Access will be available for Reading and Math support through July 20th. Please access i-Ready through …
sincere hope that you spend time this summer continuing your child’s learning progression. The summer packet attached provides you with resources, suggestions and activities to maintain …