Easy to Draw Sunflower - Search
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  1. Learn How to Draw a Sunflower in 9 Simple Steps - …

    Follow this tutorial to learn how to draw a sunflower like Vincent van Gogh. You'll need a pencil, eraser, pen, and paper to sketch the petals, stem, leaves, seeds, and center of this colorful flower.

    My Modern Met

    Next, we're going to add the petals. Looking at a reference photo, lightly sketch diamond-like shapes around the circle. Feel free to make some of the petals bend or curl to give the sunflower a bit of character. If you want to make a fuller-looking sunflower, then layer more petals in the back until you're satisfied. In this tutorial, the sunflowe...

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    Next, add a few smaller stems that reach out on either side of the main stem. Then, draw a variety of small, medium, and large leavesat the end of these stems. Try curling some of the leaves to bring a sense of realism to the drawing.

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    The center of a sunflower is full of depth. So, to help us map out how to sketch it, we're going to draw two concentric circles. Try to draw these as even as you can, but don't worry too much, as they'll be fleshed out with texture soon.

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    Starting at the outer part of the flower's center, begin drawing rows of small ovals. While the outer ring should be fairly spaced out, the second ring will be quite dense. Then, at the very center, just add a few ovals here and there, making sure to keep it mostly white.

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