Cute Candy Cane Coloring Pages - Search
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  1. Candy Cane Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

    • For an easy and fun classroom activity, have each child color a candy cane and write his or her name in one of the stripes with puffy black paint. Laminate the candy canes with contact paper on both sides, a… See more

    Make A Candy Cane Umbrella Handle

    If your youngster has an old umbrella that he or she plays with, and it happens to have a hook handle, a candy cane coloring page can be used in a super fun way. Once the candy c… See more

    Monday Mandala
    A Sweet Picture Frame

    To make a picture frame a bit sweeter, have your youngster color and cut out two candy canes. Glue them to stiff cardboard and cut them out. Then, glue their bases to the bottom … See more

    Monday Mandala
    Create A Unique Shelf

    For this engaging craft, all the youngsters need is a piece of cardboard and their candy cane coloring pages. Begin by having each child fold a rectangular piece of cardboar… See more

    Monday Mandala
    Make A Gift Package Label

    A candy cane coloring page is perfect if your child enjoys making homemade gift labels. Once the candy cane coloring is finished, it should be attached to a thin piece of car… See more

    Monday Mandala
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