Cursed Nail Chainsaw Man - Search
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  1. Curse Devil - Chainsaw Man Wiki

    • When summoned, the Curse Devil manifests as a large, two-headed skeleton with horns, its right skull appears human while the left skull has three eye slits and longer, mandible-like teeth. The Curse Devil … See more


    Eternity Devil arc
    Aki considers using the Curse Devil's sword to defeat the Eternity Devil but Himeno restrains him with the Ghost Devil's arm.
    Katana Man arc
    During his … See more


    As a Devil, the Curse Devil possesses all of the standard devil abilities. As a contract Devil, it showed its abilities based on its contracts. Curse: Upon its contractor stabbing their target a few times with its nail, the Cu… See more


    The Curse Devil's rankings in the Popularity Polls are as follows:
    The Curse Devil embodies Deprecophobia (from Latin deprecor: "curse"), the fear of curses and being cursed.
    The Curse … See more

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