Crabgrass Types - Search
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  1. Different Types of Crabgrass (With Pictures) | CrabgrassLawn

    • Although it is common in North America, this weed is native to Europe and Asia. It only rises above the ground up to about 6 inches in height. Its stems are also smooth and broad. The grass is very common, e… See more

    Long, Hairy Crabgrass

    This weed comes with a variety of names. Some call it the large crabgrass yet others have also named it the common crabgrass. Nevertheless, its scientific name is Digitaria sanguinalis… See more

    CG Lawn
    Asian Crabgrass

    Asian crabgrass is scientifically known as Digitaria bicornis. This name may mislead you … See more

    CG Lawn
    Southern Crabgrass

    The facts about southern crabgrassare quite impressive. Its growth pattern is similar to smooth and large crab grasses. However, the major difference is that it has a prominen… See more

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