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  1. Concrete art - Wikipedia

    • Concrete art was an art movement with a strong emphasis on geometrical abstraction. The term was first formulated by Theo van Doesburg and was then used by him in 1930 to define the difference between his vision of art and that of other abstract artists of the time. After his death in 1931, the term was further defined and popularized by Max Bill, who organiz… See more


    After the formal break up of De stijl, following the last issue of its magazine in 1928, van Doesburg began considering the … See more

    Theoretical background

    In 1930, Michel Seuphor had defined the role of the abstract artist in the first issue of Cercle et Carré. It was "to establish, on the foundations of a structure that is simple, severe and unadorned in every part, and within a ba… See more


    While Abstraction-Création was a grouping of all modernistic tendencies, there were those within it who carried the idea of mathematically inspired art and the term ‘concrete art’ to other countries when they moved else… See more


    Haus Konstruktiv museum of constructive and concrete art in Zurich, Switzerland
    Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt, Germany
    The Mondriaan House - Museum For Constructive And Concrete Art, Amersfoort… See more


    • Concrete Cuba: Cuban Geometric Abstraction from the 1950s, 2016, David Zwirner Books, ISBN 9781941701331
    • Dempsey, Amy. Art in the Modern Era: A Guide to Styles, Schools & Movements , NY: Harry … See more

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