Cherubismo - Search
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  1. Signs and symptoms

    The appearance of people with the disorder is caused by a loss of bone in the mandible which the body replaces … See more


    Cherubism is autosomal dominantly linked. Cherubism has also been found from the random mutation of a gene in an individual having no family history of the condition. However it is not well understood why males tend … See more


    The chemical imbalance is usually diagnosed when dental abnormalities are found. These abnormalities include premature deciduous teeth and abnormal growth of permanent teeth due to displaceme… See more


    Because this genetic anomaly is genetically linked, genetic counseling may be the only way to decrease occurrences of cherubism. The lack of severe symptoms in the parents may be the cause of failure in recognizing the disorde… See more


    Because cherubism changes and improves over time, the treatment should be individually determined. Generally, moderate cases are watched until they subside or progress into the more severe range. Sev… See more


    Due to the rarity of the condition, it is difficult to reliably estimate statistics. However, a 2006 study which followed 7 cases over an average of 8.5 years noted that "In general, cherubism does not have a poor progn… See more


    Cherubism was first documented and named in 1933 by Dr. W. A. Jones of Kingston, Ontario, describing a case of three siblings of the same family of Jewish Russian heritage. All that was known at the time was th… See more

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