Chainsaw Man Makima - Search
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  1. Makima - Chainsaw Man Wiki | Fandom

    • Makima is a Devilresembling a human woman in her twenties of very slight build, and marginally above average height. She has long light red/pale auburn hair, normally kept in a loose braid with b… See more


    On the surface, Makima seems to be a kind, gentle, social and friendly woman who is usually seen wearing a smile on her face the entire time and acts relaxed and confident even during a crisis, speaking in a professiona… See more


    The Chainsaw Devil is perhaps the only individual Makima has ever shown genuine … See more


    Makima is one of the strongest individuals in the world of Chainsaw Man thanks to her physical and supernatural abilities as a Devil, along with her cunning and manipulative personality. She is feared by humans, Fi… See more


    Makima's name is written in katakana (マキマ), though it seems to have no special meaning to it. However, the "maki" (マキ) in her name seems to be from "Makita", which is the name of a Japanese manufac... See more

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