Bathroom Steam Room - Search
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  1. Steam Showers: How To Create a Luxury Home Spa …

    A steam shower is a moisture-sealed shower stall equipped to deliver clouds of steam before, during, or after your shower. Cold water flows into a steam generator and is heated to the boiling point. The generator sends the fresh steam to an aperture in the shower stall. Digital controls inside the shower let the user adjust the steam’s temperature ...

    This Old House

    Steam shower design is fairly straightforward. To summon steam, you simply hit the digital controls in the shower stall, which triggers the following process: 1. An electric valve fills the breadbox-size steam generator with about a gallon of cold water 2. The generator’s electric element brings the water to a boil 3. A pipe channels the hot vapor ...

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    You can install a steam shower using a prefabricated kit or custom design. Prefab kits are easier to install and cheaper than a custom design, but you have more control over features and decor options if you go custom. After you’ve decided to go prefab or custom design and found your dealer through the manufacturer’s website, they’ll locate the bes...

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    A steam shower’s price tag varies according to brand, features, materials, and scope of project. The average cost of a steam shower is $4,300*, but the normal range is between $2,800 and $7,100. Installing a generator in an existing shower stall will be cheaper than building an entire stall dedicated to your steam shower. Opting for a custom design...

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    As you shop around for a steam shower, consider the following features to enhance your steaming experience: 1. Auto-flush: Reduces calcium deposits on the heating element and saves you from a manual flush-out every 50 uses 2. Delivery speed: Better models take less than a minute to build up a head of steam 3. Remote controls: You don’t even have to...

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