Baby Ear Infection - Search
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  1. Baby ear infections: Signs, symptoms, and …

    • Learn about the causes, signs, and treatment of ear infections in babies and young children. Find out when to see a doctor and how to prevent ear infections with home remedies.… See more

    What Is An Ear Infection?

    Also called otitis media, an ear infection refers to inflammation or infection of the middle ear (the little air-filled pocket behind the eardrum). There are a few different types of mi… See more

    What Causes Ear Infections?

    A middle ear infection can be caused by bacteria or a virus. After an illness such as a cold or flu, fluid can build up in the middle ear, allowing bacteria or viruses that have traveled to … See more

    Signs of An Ear Infection in Babies and Children

    The easiest way to tell if your baby might have an ear infection (or any other illness, for that matter) is by observing a change in her mood. If your baby gets fussy or starts crying mor… See more

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