Arizona Blue Birds - Search
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  1. The 3 Bluebird Species Found in Arizona! (ID Guide .…

    Few birds are as pretty as an Eastern Bluebird.Thanks to their cheerful disposition and amazing beauty, these birds are always a pleasure to see, both for birders and non-birders alike! Males are vibrant blue with a rusty chest and throat and fairly easy to identify. Females look similar, but the colors are much more subdued.

    Bird Watching HQ

    Look for these birds in Arizona at the edge of forests or in open woodlands. Western Bluebirds are not often found in meadows and fields, similar to other bluebird species (Eastern and Mountain). Instead, these birds opt for the woods. Their favorite habitat seems to be areas that have been logged or burned, as these places are open but still conta...

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    There are not many things more beautiful than seeing a Mountain Bluebird while hiking in the mountains. 🙂 It’s hard to mistake a Mountain Bluebird if you see one, especially the males, as they are covered with beautiful sky-blue feathers on their head, back, and wings. Females are a bit trickier since they are mostly gray-brown, with tinges of blu...

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