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Guide to Old House Styles and Architecture - OldHouses.com
The Colonial house style consists of many styles built during the "Colonial" period (early 18th Century) in America's history when England, Spain, and France had colonies scattered across …
Colonial House Styles and Examples - OldHouses.com
The Colonial house style consists of many styles built during the Colonial period (early 18th Century) in America's history when England, Spain, and France had colonies scattered across …
The American Foursquare - OldHouses.com
American Foursquares are most often associated with the Arts and Crafts movement, and indeed share a lot of its DNA. But the first thing to know about them is that they represent a building …
Victorian House Styles and Examples - OldHouses.com
Victorian architecture in America covers a dizzying variety of visual styles, from exuberant Queene Annes to sober Folk Victorian farmhouses. We sort through the history, show you how …
Romantic House Styles and Examples - OldHouses.com
Romantic House Styles and Examples. The Romantic Style (1820-1880) of American houses grew in popularity in a time when the U.S. was attempting to break free from English culture and …
The Bungalow: Variations and Examples - OldHouses.com
The Bungalow house style of architecture is a single family house type whose popularity grew in the western United States at the turn-of-the-century. Bungalows offered low cost, simple living …
Historic Homes For Sale, Rent or Auction - OldHouses.com
Historic Homes For Sale, Rent or Auction Built in 1800 or later. For Sale. $375,000
Historic Homes For Sale, Rent or Auction - OldHouses.com
OldHouses.com is a resource for old house lovers. We provide links to old-house related goods and services, and a wealth of knowledge and links.
Arts and Crafts House Styles and Examples - OldHouses.com
Tour sixteen beautifully restored homes built and decorated in the Arts and Craft style, an early twentieth century movement to counter the increasing urbanization and mechanization of …