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13 Quirky Things Devout Catholics Do No One Else …
But if you’re Catholic yourself or you’ve spent years around others who are (like I have!), you might just get a chuckle at this 13 quirky things devout Catholics do that no one else understands! 1. You Own Multiple Rosaries.
7 Weird Things That Only Make Sense to Catholics – EpicPew
- Why do clergy wear different colors on different days? Catholics know about the beauty of liturgical colors. Just like you may associate red and green with Christmas, the Catholic liturgy associates certain colors with different times throughout the year. For instance, red is a reminder of the blood of Christ and martyrdom. “Red is vestments are wo...
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Should You Accept These Six Weird Catholic Beliefs?
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
- “Transubstantiation means that every time you receive communion, you’re …
- “Someone ate an apple and now you’re born guilty.” Emery shows herself …
- “A sprinkling of water can save your soul.” Even though she has a graduate …
- “A biological impulse can send you to hell for eternity.” The “impulse” that …
- “Fasting brings you closer to God.” I couldn’t tell ya where Emery gets her …
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25 Quirks of Catholic Culture That People Struggle To …
Jun 10, 2024 · Since its creation over 2,000 years ago, Catholic culture has developed plenty of strange, unique quirks that outsiders struggle to understand. Here are 25 quirks of Catholic culture that still puzzle non-believers.
20 Unique Catholic Traditions That Might Leave You …
Jun 13, 2024 · Catholic culture is rich with traditions and practices that can seem mystifying to outsiders. These elements hold deep meaning for the faithful, be it specific rituals or unique customs. Let’s explore 20 of these unique Catholic …
25 Things People Don't Realize You Do Because You're Catholic
Some things that Catholics do just might seem a little weird to others. Enjoy this fun list of 25 things you do because you're Catholic.
5 Weird Things All Catholics Do - Beliefnet
Doing those seemingly odd actions week after week can lead Catholics to have some pretty bizarre habits. Here are five weird things all Catholics do. Catholics are sometimes pejoratively called...
Catholics Do the Strangest Things | Catholic Culture
Jul 6, 2016 · 1. Veneration of Saints and Mary: Catholics do not worship Mary or the saints. The Church uses official words such as dulia and hyperdulia that refer to our honor and veneration …
Catholics Are Weird: Strange Catholic Rituals and Practices
Quirky Things We Do As Catholics - YouTube
Dec 8, 2020 · Join Anne and Fr. Jack as we explore some of these “quirky” things that Catholics do! Have you ever thought some Catholic practices are odd? For instance, why do we make …
10 Really Cool Things About Being Catholic
May 25, 2017 · So, as my personal contribution to popular culture, here follows my list of “10 Really Cool Things About Being Catholic.” Confession. One of the really cool things about …
What are the most bizarre things Catholics do that they think
Catholicism is really just a mess of pagan rituals with different names. It's the only ritualistic Christian religion, and they don't even realize how close to paganism they really are. With how …
Six More Weird Catholic Beliefs… Revealed! - Catholic Answers
Sep 25, 2018 · Last week we looked at six Catholic beliefs that blogger Lea Rose Emery called “weird” in a shallow misrepresentation of Catholicism that nonetheless has been read by over …
Keep Catholicism Weird - Our Sunday Visitor
Sep 5, 2018 · The weirdness of the Catholic faith, many ancient Catholic traditions, the experiences of many of the Catholic faithful, are some of many things that make Catholicism …
Weird Catholic Customs - Amazing Catechists
Telling a priest your sins (Reconciliation or Confession): “Catholics are strange, they don’t realize they can tell their sins to God, so they tell them to a priest (who is just a man).” That’s what we …
10 facts about Catholicism that might surprise you - Aleteia
Aug 5, 2019 · Kneeling (or standing, as Eastern Catholics do) during the consecration of the Eucharist, a Catholic is mystically in the presence of the Crucifixion on Calvary. An unbroken …
10 Really Cool Things About Being Catholic
May 26, 2017 · So, as my personal contribution to popular culture, here follows my list of “10 Really Cool Things About Being Catholic.” Confession. One of the really cool things about …
Funniest thing you did or weirdest tradition you followed as a …
With nearly 30 years of distance since I left, I can see how excessive and downright weird some Catholic rituals and practices must seem to outsiders. From Novenas to Stations of the Cross, …
Catholic Beliefs Are Weird, But Isn't That the Best Part?
We believe in virgin births, resurrection, and that we literally consume the flesh of Christ at Mass every Sunday. And those are just the basics, the core beliefs that every Catholic learns. It …
What are some unique Catholic traditions that you and your …
What are some unique Catholic traditions that you and your family do? So when I was growing up, whenever we passed a Catholic Church in our car, my dad always made the sign of the cross. …
100 tough questions for Catholics: - Catholic Culture
2 days ago · Sadly, even when these questions are asked of fellow Catholics, the answers given may be either inadequate or false. And when that is the case, the result will be a declining faith …