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  1. The uniqueness of zebra stripes – Pattern and facts - …

    Swahili name: Punda milia. Scientific name: Equus burchellii (Plains/Burchell’s Zebra), Equus grevyi (Grevy’s Zebra), and Equus zebra(Mountain Zebra). Shoulder height: 1.3 m. Mass: 227-325 kg. Lifespan: 40+ years (in captivity). Habitat: From woodlands to open plains. Diet: Essentially grazers, though they may occasionally browse. Zebras also dig f...

    Africa Freak

    Encountering a zebra herd is one of Africa’s most iconic experiences. These magnificent mammals stand out from the grass, a mass of black and white stripesframed against the wilderness. But underneath these black and white stripes, zebras look just like horses. They have black tan skin. It is only their fur that is striped. Zebras start with white ...

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    Before considering different scientific theories, it’s important to understand that not all zebras are the same. There are 3different zebra species and each of these has unique stripe variations. Plains zebras (also called “Burchell’s zebra”) are the most numerous. They live in huge numbers across East and Southern Africa, including more than 300 0...

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    Five compelling theorieshave been put forward and each does have more scientific street cred than the San tale. Still, none of these theories have been conclusively proven. Ultimately, we still do not know why. So make up your own mind.

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    All these hypotheses have their pros and cons. There really is no definitive explanation. But there is another question that is yet to be even fully considered. Why are zebra stripes unique? Why don’t all zebras have the same pattern of stripes? Studies have proven how zebra stripes have evolved differently depending on where they live. But why? Th...

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