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  1. 10 Coolest Ways Superheroes Can Fly (& The Pros …

    • Heroes like Commando Cody, the hero of a science fiction serial from the 1950s. and the Rocketeer have been using jetpacks to take to the skies for years. Anti-heroes like Boba Fett and the The Mandalorian a… See more

    9 Grow Wings

    The X-Men’s Angel grew feathered wings as part of his mutation (along with hollow bones and a zero-fat body). Ant-Man’s partner the Waspalso grows wings when she shrinks… See more

    8 Learn Astral Body Projection

    For heroes into mysticism or psychic development, astral body projection provides a great way to enjoy some flight time by separating the spirit from the body and letting i… See more

    7 Generate Anti-Gravitons

    This is likely how Supermanmanages to fly. By generating anti-gravitons, a hero can negate the pull of gravity and fly, usually at incredibly fast speeds. This method actually doesn’t hav… See more

    6 Spin Your Arms Really Fast

    People don’t usually associate a speedster like the Flash with flight, but the Fastest Man Alive once discovered a creative way to join other heroes in the sky. In the Justice Lea… See more

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