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Death of Enver Hoxha - History Today
Apr 4, 2010 · Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha died on 11 April 1985. Hoxha in 1971. The man who held Albania in an iron grip for 40 years was a devout Marxist-Leninist, a fervent admirer of Stalin and a committed moderniser. When he …
Enver Hoxha - Wikipedia
The Mustafa Band was a gang which was connected to counter-revolutionary elements such as the Albanian mafia and members of the royal House of Zogu, and in 1982, it attempted to assassinate Enver Hoxha. The plan failed and two of its members were killed and another member was arrested.
According to Hoxha, after Albania's long-time prime minister Mehmet Shehu died in 1981, docu…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- bing.com › videosWatch full videoWatch full video
Enver Hoxha, 76, Ruler of Albania for 41 Years, Dies
Apr 12, 1985 · Enver Hoxha of Albania, whose 41 1/2-year reign over Europe’s isolated Marxist nation made him the world’s longest-ruling Communist leader, died Thursday at age 76. The …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Enver Hoxha | Communist Leader & Prime Minister of …
Feb 15, 2025 · After the death of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, for whom Hoxha held a lifelong admiration, his relations with Nikita Khrushchev deteriorated …
Apr 12, 1985 · Enver Hoxha, the head of the Albanian Communist Party, who led Europe's most secretive and poorest country through four decades of strict …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Albanian Chieftain Hoxha Dies at 76--Still a Firm Stalinist
Apr 11, 1985 · Enver Hoxha, whose 42 years as Albania's Communist Party chief made him the world's longest-ruling communist leader, died today at age 76, the Albanian state-run ATA …
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Enver Hoxha Biography - Childhood, Life …
Enver Hoxha died, after suffering an attack of ventricular fibrillation, on 11 April, 1985 in Tirana.
Albanian Leader Dead at 76 - The Washington Post
WARSAW, April 11, 1985 -- Albania's Enver Hoxha, the world's longest serving communist leader, who kept his solitary Balkan country under stern rule for more than four decades, died today at...
Biography - Enver Hoxha
Enver Hoxha died on the 11th, of April 1985. This was a serious loss for the Party of Labour of Albania, the Albanian people and the International Communist Labour Movement.
Enver Hoxha - Biography
In the 1980s Enver Hoxha’s health worsened, he suffered from diabetes and in 1983 he suffered from cerebral ischemia, and again in 1984. On April 9, 1985, he suffered a cardiac arrest; doctors managed to revive him, but he was deprived …
Enver Hoxha - Alpha History
He suffered a massive heart attack and died in April 1985. Hoxha was replaced by his prime minister, Ramiz Alia, who allowed gradual economic reform but maintained Hoxha’s strict …
"Enver Hoxha died" - Telegraph - Telegraph
"On April 11, Enver Hoxha died and on April 15 he was buried in Tirana, who, according to the statement of the doctors' council, suffered for a long time from diabetes, which caused great …
Hoxha's final heartbeat - openDemocracy
Apr 11, 2015 · Just after midnight on April 11, a second heart attack struck the fatal blow. Five hours later, the loudspeaker sprang to life in the cold cell at Burrel prison. The prisoners rose …
Apr 12, 1985 · Enver Hoxha, the Albanian leader, who died in Tirana yesterday, kept his isolated mountain country rigidly cordoned off for four decades. Historically preyed on since Greek and …
Enver Hoxha: the lunatic who took over the asylum
Mar 15, 2016 · When Hoxha died in 1985, Albania was officially the third poorest country in the world, with the GNP of a small town and an average income of 15 USD a month.
33 years since the death of Enver Hoxha - Telegraph - Telegraph
The last years of his life were difficult for Hoxha due to the diabetes that was diagnosed many years ago, he suffered a heart attack in 1972, then another in 1973, and on April 11, 1985 he …
Enver Hoxha - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Enver Hoxha (16 October 1908 – 11 April 1985) was an Albanian politician who was dictator of Albania. Ideologically a communist, Hoxha served as prime minister of Albania from 1944 until …
Funeral of Enver Hoxha
On April 15, 1985, Albania experienced one of the most solemn and sad moments in its recent history: the funeral of Enver Hoxha. After leading the country for over four decades, Hoxha left …
Enver Hoxha - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 11, 2018 · He died on April 11, 1985, having shaped Albania into a land vastly different from that into which he was born. Hoxha was survived by his wife, Nexhmije, herself a leading …
Thirty-two years since the death of Enver Hoxha
The beginning of April will mark the end of his life, after his legs and mouth were paralyzed, he suffered an ischemia on April 9, 1985 and died on April 11, 1985. In a magnificent ceremony, …
Hausbesuch bei Diktator Enver Hoxha – ein Berliner Fotograf auf ...
5 days ago · Vor 40 starb Enver Hoxha, nun gibt es in Berlin eine Fotoausstellung, die dokumentiert, wie Albaniens langjähriger Machthaber wohnte, lebte und tickte.
Home of Albania's late communist dictator is hosting free thinkers …
Feb 15, 2025 · The home of Albania’s late communist dictator Enver Hoxha is hosting international artists fascinated by the long-ruling leader’s library, ... The library was a …
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