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“Nobody Feel Up My Wife”: 30 House Rules That Left Guests
Shoes off the second you walk through the door, dinner no later than 7pm, or no TV before bed are nothing compared to some of these house rules.
Screen Time: Essential House Rules for Healthy …
Apr 15, 2016 · Our Smart screen time rules. Screentime is NOT private. No screens at meal times. No screens before homework. No screens in …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
42 people share their non-negotiable family rules. - Mamamia
- Truan. "I don’t care if you don’t want to finish your dinner. You must try …
- Kara. "Shoes off in the house. We live on a farm and heaven knows what …
- Amber. "We eat at the dinner table every night. There's no technology at the …
- Bec. "My husband is Swedish, so we are very much a 'no shoes inside' family!"
- Chantel. "One game or activity at a time. For example, colouring needs to be …
6 Dumb Household Rules You Hated Growing Up, but Now …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
- Published: Jun 16, 2014
- Making Your Bed. Then: Why bother? I’m just going to use it again tonight! …
- Not Wearing Shoes in the House. Then: But I’m going back outside in 10 …
- No Television After 10pm. Then: But Mom!?! Fantasy Island is on! Now: …
- Turning Off Lights. Then: What’s the big deal? Now: It’s the little things that …
- No Elbows on the Table. Then: But it’s more comfortable to sit that way! Now: …
28 People Revealed the Weirdest "House Rules" Experiences
- Published: Aug 31, 2018
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
- The tough guy. My friend David was a tough guy... which was all the more …
- Diaper time. Growing up, myself (and often with other friends) would do …
- Use Grandma's bathroom, get banned. I live with my grandmother and our …
- Guess mom didn't want them messing up the house. Whenever I went over …
- The psycho furniture preserver. One of my friend's mother had some …
30 People Share Their Non-Negotiable Household Rules, And …
Feb 3, 2025 · We don't have like a list or anything, but some rules that jump to mind are: * No jumping on the sofa. * Swordfights and bouncy balls outside or in the hallway. * No sword …
- People also ask
House Rules – Oakwood Home for Women
No TV until after 4:30 pm Mon-Thurs. Must be turned off by 11:00 pm. Weekends you may watch as you wish, but no later than 1:00am. TV is considered a privilege and can be taken away.
What are your house rules that work well? : r/Parenting - Reddit
The younger two (2 and 10 months) have rules like: No climbing on the table/counters, can’t go on the top bunk of the bed, nap times, no soda, not allowed in the snack cabinet. Whining and fit …
The most commonly broken ‘house rule’ in America - New York Post
Jun 4, 2019 · ‘Always say please and thank you’, ‘no phones at the dinner table’ and ‘never go to bed angry’ are three of the top 10 most common house rules in America, according to new …
Books/songs/telling stories before bed is fine. But lights should be out no later than 7:15pm. Eat whatever you want; please clean up after yourself. You can use the TV if the kids are sleeping. …
House Rules - Mature Times
Jul 16, 2015 · The 50 home rules to abide by: No shoes on the sofa; Always flush the toilet; Take your shoes off in the house; Put clothes in the wash basket; Turn out the lights when you’re …
TVs in rooms or no? : r/Parenting - Reddit
We only have one kid, but there are tvs in the bedrooms, including the guest room in case our guests want to watch tv before bed. We all use sleep timers so that the tv isn’t on all night. We …
People Describe Strange House Rules In Other People's Homes
Sep 21, 2018 · So for most of the night her and her little sister were just locked in their rooms, only allowed to leave to use the bathroom. Before bed on a school night, they'd get called …
House Rules For Small Children. Bend Psychological Services …
I will clean up and put away anything I use or play with in the house each night before I go to bed unless my parents give me permission to do something else. I will not borrow anything that …
Tips and Recommended House Rules for Electronics
Jul 26, 2019 · With this in mind, we agree to the following house rules for evening and nighttime use of electronics: We agree to block the blue light on our electronics from dinnertime on; We …
Kate & Wills' parenting rules include no TV before tea & NEVER …
Jun 29, 2020 · The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have a hands-on approach to parenting - which includes a no-shouting policy, never going to bed mad, and banning all TV before tea-time.
25 Strange House Rules People Were Forced To Follow - MSN
Recently, a question by User ‘ Center_Power_Unit ’ inspired Redditors to discuss the weirdest house rules they’ve encountered. Scroll below to read about some of the oddest things people...
Guests eating meals in bedroom - Airbnb hosts forum
Jun 2, 2018 · Should I not allow food in bedrooms? It’s a tricky one to manage. I have it in House Rules “no food or drink in bedrooms”, and have a large guest dining room with mini-fridge, …
These Are the Most Commonly Broken House Rules in the U.S.
Jan 18, 2023 · Turn off the TV when not watching: 75 percent of households; No climbing on furniture: 65 percent of households; Knock before entering rooms: 54 percent of households; …
Show houseguests the rules before showing them the door - The …
Aug 17, 2020 · HELEN’S ANSWER: There are no set rules for houseguests, but if you are staying with someone, offer to help with the meals and keep your room picked up. Offer to wash the …