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HOODLUM in a Sentence Examples: 21 Ways to Use Hoodlum
Form your sentence: Use Hoodlum as a noun to refer to someone exhibiting unruly or criminal behavior. Example sentence: “The neighborhood residents were concerned about the …
Hoodlum - Wikipedia
Possible explanations include: Dennis Kearney's rally call to "huddle 'em up", organizing unemployed Irishmen prior to attacking and looting Chinese people and businesses; [5] a …
Examples of 'Hoodlum' in a Sentence | Merriam-Webster
Feb 15, 2020 · 'Hoodlum' in a sentence: Street hoodlums threw sticks at him and bombed his front porch with bricks.
Hoodlum in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)
May 16, 2017 · 22 sentence examples: 1. The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing. 2. Some of the hoodlums beat their victims viciously before robbing them. 3. Dozens of …
How To Use Hoodlum In a Sentence? Easy Examples
Mar 4, 2024 · In this article, we will explore various example sentences with the word “hoodlum” to illustrate its usage in different contexts. These examples will showcase how the word can be …
Hoodlum - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Hoodlums are young people who are involved in crime or generally up to no good. A car full of hoodlums might drive down the street and smash mailboxes with a baseball bat. Hoodlums …
HOODLUM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
hoodlums smashed through the glass enclosed foyer of a Royal Bank of Canada branch with a backhoe and scooped a machine right from the wall. — Ron Suskind
Hoodlum -Who is a Hoodlum? - Example NG: Nigeria's …
Jan 25, 2021 · Example of a Hoodlum Just like their description, a hoodlum is a person who causes a nuisance, is noisy and is a criminal. A good example of a hoodlum breaks into a …
Hoodlum in a Sentence
Examples of Hoodlum in a sentence. The ringleader of the teen gang was hoodlum from the southside who had a knack for stealing cars. 🔊. Some young hoodlum has taken spray paint …
Top 16 Slang For Most Ghetto – Meaning & Usage - FluentSlang
Mar 6, 2024 · For example, “The neighborhood has been dealing with a group of hoodlums vandalizing property.” In a discussion about crime rates , someone might say, “The presence …
Examples of 'hoodlum' in a sentence - Collins Online Dictionary
They would tell these hoodlums that they were behaving antisocially and ought to stop. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not …
Hoodlum Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
plural hoodlums. Britannica Dictionary definition of HOODLUM [count]: a tough and violent criminal: thug. a small-time hoodlum [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example …
hoodlums: meaning, synonyms - WordSense
Examples. Automatically generated practical examples in English: “We are looking at long term jail sentences for these vandals and these hoodlums and these anarchists and agitators,” the …
HOODLUM | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
HOODLUM definition: 1. a violent person, especially one who is member of a group of criminals 2. a violent person…. Learn more.
Hoodlum - Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Etymology
Hoodlums are often associated with gangs, vandalism, street crime, or other forms of delinquency. They may display aggressive behavior, disregard for the law, and a general lack of respect for …
HOODLUM - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
Master the word "HOODLUM" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource.
HOODLUM Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Example Sentences In rural California, at least 15 shooting attacks against Japanese Americans, an attempted dynamiting, three arson cases and five “threatening visits” amounted to “planned …
Hoodlum Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Hoodlum Sentence Examples I guess if they did, his hoodlum pals gave him an alibi. At first the young hoodlum thought it was the drugs in his system playing up.
hoodlum | meaning of hoodlum in Longman Dictionary of …
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English hood‧lum /ˈhuːdləm/ noun [countable] a criminal, often a young person, who does violent or illegal things SYN gangster Examples from …
HOODLUM definition in American English - Collins Online Dictionary
2 senses: 1. a petty gangster or ruffian 2. a lawless youth.... Click for more definitions.
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