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Hohenstaufen - Wikipedia
The Hohenstaufen dynasty , also known as the Staufer, was a noble family of unclear origin that rose to rule the Duchy of Swabia from 1079, and to royal rule in the Holy Roman Empire during the Middle Ages from 1138 until 1254. The dynasty's most prominent rulers – Frederick I (1155), Henry VI (1191) and … See more
The name Hohenstaufen was first used in the 14th century to distinguish the 'high' (hohen) conical hill named Staufen in the Swabian Jura (in the district of Göppingen) … See more
The origin remains unclear, however, Staufer counts are mentioned in a document of emperor Otto III in 987 as descendants of counts of the region of Riesgau near Nördlingen in the See more
When the last male member of the Salian dynasty, Emperor Henry V, died without heirs in 1125, a controversy arose about the succession. Duke Frederick II and Conrad, the two current male Staufers, by their mother Agnes, were grandsons of late Emperor Henry … See more
The conflict between the Staufer dynasty and the Welf had irrevocably weakened the Imperial authority and the Norman kingdom of Sicily became the base for Staufer rule.
Frederick II
Emperor Frederick II was the most brilliant and … See moreThe Kyffhäuser Monument was erected to commemorate Frederick I, and was inaugurated in 1896.
On October 29, 1968, the 700th anniversary of the death of Konradin, a society known as "Society for Staufer History" ( See moreHoly Roman Emperors and Kings of the Romans
• Conrad III, king 1138–1152
• Frederick Barbarossa, king 1152–1190, emperor after 1155
• Henry VI, king 1190–1197, … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Hohenstaufen dynasty | Holy Roman Empire, …
Hohenstaufen dynasty, German dynasty that ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1138 to 1208 and from 1212 to 1254. The founder of the line was the count …
Hohenstaufen Castle - Wikipedia
Hohenstaufen Castle (German: Burg Hohenstaufen) is a ruined castle in Göppingen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The hill castle was built in the 11th century, on a conical hill between the Rems and Fils rivers (both tributaries of the Neckar) in what was then the Duchy of Swabia. It was the seat of the Staufer (Hohenstaufen) dynasty, the Dukes of Swabia for the period of 1079–1268, wit…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
The Hohenstaufen, Hohenzollern, Hapsburg and Welf …
Jun 30, 2020 · Swabia, or Schwaben, was the home of the Hohenstaufen, Hohenzollern, Hapsburg and Welf dynasties, who ruled Germany and Europe for centuries. Learn about their origins, symbols, achievements and connections …
Hohenstaufen - New World Encyclopedia
The Hohenstaufen were a medieval dynasty of kings of Germany and Sicily, and Holy Roman Emperors. They ruled from 1138 to 1266 and faced rivalry with the p…
The empire after the Hohenstaufen catastrophe
Mar 21, 2025 · The Hohenstaufen breakdown after 1250 left a gap in Swabia that no rising territorial power was able to fill. Countless petty lords and imperial ministeriales of the southwest succeeded in holding their seigniories as …
Germany - Hohenstaufen, Empire, Reunification
3 days ago · Germany - Hohenstaufen, Empire, Reunification: The nearest kinsmen of Henry V were his Hohenstaufen nephews—Frederick, duke of Swabia, and his younger brother Conrad—the sons of Henry’s sister Agnes …
Der Hohenstaufen war die Stammburg der Staufer. Der Bergkegel mit den Ruinen dieser Burg liegt im Herzen des Stauferlandes, nahe bei Kloster Lorch und der stimmungsvollen Burg Wäscherschloss, wichtigen Stationen der staufischen …
Hohenstaufen Fortress Ruins
Hohenstaufen, Wäscherschloss Castle (Burg Wäscherschloss) and Lorch Monastery (Kloster Lorch) are key historical locations for the Staufer – representing the birthplace of the dynasty, the official family seat, and its initial …
Hohenstaufen - Encyclopedia.com
May 23, 2018 · Hohenstaufen was a powerful German family that ruled as Holy Roman …
The Hohenstaufen Dynasty, 1138-1254 – Medieval …
The Hohenstaufen Dynasty ruled Germany from 1138 to 1254, facing rivalry with the Welfs, the papacy, and the Italian cities. Learn about their kings, wars, colonization, culture, and legacy.
Kingdoms of Germany - Hohenstaufens (Holy Roman Empire)
Philip Hohenstaufen climbed through the ranks of the nobility during his lifetime, from bishop of …
ABOUT - houseofhohenstaufen.org
The Hohenstaufen (/ˈhoʊənʃtaʊfən/ HOH-ən-shtow-fən, US also /ˌhoʊənˈʃtaʊfən, -staʊ-/ …
Hohenstaufen - Places of Germany
Hohenstaufen is a mountain in the Stauferland, where the powerful Hohenstaufen dynasty built …
HOHENSTAUFEN Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of HOHENSTAUFEN is of or relating to a princely German family that reigned …
Fortress - Burgruine Hohenstaufen
Hohenstaufen, Wäscherschloss Castle (Burg Wäscherschloss) and Lorch Monastery (Kloster …
Hohenstaufen - Holy Roman Empire - Historydraft
The Hohenstaufen, also called Staufer, was a noble dynasty of unclear origin that rose to rule …
Hohenstaufen Dynasty - Germany - SpottingHistory
Learn about the Hohenstaufen, a German dynasty that ruled the Holy Roman Empire and Sicily …
About: Hohenstaufen - DBpedia Association
The Hohenstaufen dynasty (/ˈhoʊənʃtaʊfən/, US also /ˌhoʊənˈʃtaʊfən, -staʊ-/, German: …