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  1. History of the University of Tennessee

    • In 1807, Blount College became a state institution and was renamed East Tennessee College. Carrick died two years later, and the institution, on shaky financial ground, closed for several years. East T… See more

    Tennessee’s Land-Grant Institution: The University of Tennessee

    The campus was ravaged during the Civil War, but its fortunes turned when Congress passed the Morrill Act of 1862. That law awarded “land-grant” institution status, allocating f… See more

    The University of Tennessee System
    50 Years of Expansion

    Following more growth under President Brown Ayres, the medical and dental colleges moved to Memphis and officially merged with the University of Tennessee. Subsequen… See more

    The University of Tennessee System
    An Iconic Leader: President Andy Holt

    President Andy Holt took office in 1959 and ten years later, enrollment had tripled and the University’s meteoric growth called for administrative restructuring. Holt oversaw the transitio… See more

    The University of Tennessee System
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