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  1. Some People Still Argue for Assimilation: Why This is Still Wrong

    • Racial identity groups, albeit a very real social experience, were created not based on biology but for the purpose of ensuring that people in power stayed in power. Linnaeus, the father of taxonomy, fashion… See more

    One-Drop Rule vs. Native American Erasure

    What made a person White and thereby at the top of the hierarchy has never been clear. The definition largely depended on what gave those already classified as White greater po… See more

    Social Justice and Education
    Registration of Birth and Color

    Another example of how arbitrary the definition of White was can be seen in this “Registration of Birth and Color” from Virginia. The definition of White, given at the bottom … See more

    Social Justice and Education
    Supreme Court Cases Determine Standards of Whiteness

    This lack of definition led to two interesting Supreme Court cases where defendants who had tried to climb the racial hierarchy through assimilation learned that it wasn’t as easy as … See more

    Social Justice and Education
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