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haze - हेज़ / हैज़ का अर्थ, मतलब, अनुवाद, उच्चारण
Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon in which dust, smoke, and other dry particulates suspended in air obscure visibility and the clarity of the sky.
See results only from shabdkosh.comhaze meaning in Hindi | haze translation in Hindi - Shabdkosh
What is haze meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase haze refers to confusion characterized by lack of clarity, or atmospheric moisture or dus…
HAZE का हिन्दी अनुवाद | कोलिन्स अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी शब्दकोश
Haze is light mist, caused by particles of water or dust in the air, which prevents you from seeing distant objects clearly. Haze often forms in hot weather. They vanished into the haze near the …
Hindi translation of 'haze' - Collins Online Dictionary
Haze is light mist, caused by particles of water or dust in the air, which prevents you from seeing distant objects clearly. Haze often forms in hot weather.
Haze meaning in Hindi & Urdu with Example Sentences - English …
A slight obscuration of the air caused by fine suspended particles. ہوا کا ایک ہلکا سا دھندلاپن جو باریک معلق ذرات کی وجہ سے ہوتا ہے۔. The morning haze made it difficult to see the mountains. صبح کی دھند نے …
haze meaning in Hindi | haze translation in Hindi - Shabdkosh
What is haze meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase haze refers to confusion characterized by lack of clarity, or atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility, or …
Haze Meaning In Hindi - हिंदी अर्थ - UpToWord
1. a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles. 2. मानसिक भ्रम की स्थिति।. 2. a state of mental confusion. 1. बहुत सारे पूर्व छात्र कहते हैं, …
haze in Hindi - haze meaning in Hindi - Hindlish
haze meaning in Hindi with examples: धुंध धुन्ध कुहरा चाल चलना ... click for more detailed meaning of haze in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.
Haze meaning in Hindi - हजे मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
Haze meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is धुंध.English definition of Haze : atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility. Haze meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and …
Haze Meaning In Hindi - Haze Definition English To Hindi
Haze meaning in Hindi is कुहरा and it can write in roman as Kuhara. Along with the Hindi meaning of Haze, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of Haze. Check the …
Haze meaning in weather hindi - Brainly
Sep 9, 2023 · Answer: धुंध हल्की धुंध है, जो हवा में पानी या धूल के कणों के कारण होती है, जो आपको दूर की वस्तुओं को स्पष्ट रूप से देखने से रोकती है। गर्म मौसम में अक्सर धुंध छा जाती है। वे …
haze - hindi Meaning - haze Meaning in hindi at …
मानसिक व्यग्रता, कुहरा, धुन्ध, अत: बादल ओर कुहरा, जिनकी मोटाई चार छह मीटर होती है, काले पिंड के समान पूर्ण शोषक तथा विकीर्णक होते हैं, सूर्य के पृष्ठ ताप ६०००° सें. होता है।. The cameras in …
Haze का मतलब क्या है, Haze meaning in hindi - CpPath
Aug 7, 2024 · Haze वायुमंडल में मौजूद सूक्ष्म कणों का एक मिश्रण है, जो दृश्यता को कम करता है और आकाश को धुंधला दिखाता है। ये कण धूल, धुआं, रसायन, नमक, और ...
haze - Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी मतलब) - Hindi-english.com
Haze [v. t.] - To harass by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable, or difficult work. - To harass or annoy by playing abusive or shameful tricks upon; to humiliate by practical jokes; -- used esp. …
haze meaning in Hindi | haze का हिन्दी अर्थ - Multibhashi
haze in Hindi: धुंध. The air in the morning had no pollution and very little haze.
Dhundh (Haze ) Meaning In Hindi
Haze meaning in Hindi. Haze = धुन्ध() (Dhundh) धुंध ^१ संज्ञा स्त्री॰ [सं॰ धूम्र + अन्ध] १. बह अँधेरा जो हवा में मिली धूल के कारण हो । यौ॰— अंधाधुंध । २.
HAZE meaning in Hindi: 6 words in English Hindi Translation
Looking for the meaning of haze in Hindi? Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 6 Hindi words that can be used for haze in Hindi.
haze in Hindi - English-Hindi Dictionary | Glosbe
धुंध, अस्पष्टता, मंद दृष्टि are the top translations of "haze" into Hindi. Sample translated sentence: The haze enveloped London. ↔ लंदन में धुंध छा गई थी।
Haze Meaning In Hindi - Haze Definition English To Hindi
Hazes meaning in Hindi is कुहरा and it can write in roman as Kuhara. Along with the Hindi meaning of Hazes, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of …
Hindi Meaning of HAZE - HAZE का हिन्दी अर्थ - EngHindi.com
HAZE-meaning in Hindi, Hindi meaning of HAZE, Get meaning of HAZE in Hindi dictionary, With Usage Tips and Notes, Quickly Grasp Word HAZE
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