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SA-43 Hammerhead | Space: Above and Beyond Wiki | Fandom
The SA-43 Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Attack Jet ("Hammerhead")is the main-stay of the Marine Corps. Their SCRAM engines enable them to fly in an atmosphere and in the almost complete vacuum of space. Following in the modular design of aircraft of the late 20th century, Hammerheads can be adapted for normal … See more
Deployment in combat missions (Combat Space Patrol), interception, Close Air Support (CAS) and Colonial Defense, but can also be adapted for SAR (Search and Rescue). See more
- 1. LIDAR : Laser Infrared Detection And Ranging. Long Range, configurable. Ca…
- 2. HUD : Heads-Up Display. Mainly used for displaying flight parameters, navigati…
- 3. ODP : Optical Disk Playback. Used for mission data recordin… See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licenseA quick look at SA-43 Hammerhead the fictional …
Jun 23, 2020 · The interesting photos in this post feature the SA-43 Hammerhead, the US Marine Corps (USMC) spaceship featured in Space: …
- Reviews: 1
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
SA-43 Hammerhead: Fictional USMC Spaceship That …
Jul 5, 2020 · The SA-43 Hammerhead is the US Marine Corps (USMC) spaceship featured in Space: Above and Beyond, a 90s American science fiction …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
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The SA-43 Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Attack Jet ("Hammerhead") is the main-stay of the Marine Corps. Their SCRAM engines enable them to fly in an atmosphere and in the almost complete vacuum of space. Following in the modular design …
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May 12, 2024 · Remember Space Above and Beyond... reasonably good Sci Fi show.. canned after one season, the marines were ground pounders one week and the next in the SA-43 …
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Space Above And Beyond: Hammer Head - the aircraft
May 7, 2009 · The primary fighter craft of Earth forces is the SA-43 Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Attack Jet, commonly called the "Hammerhead" because of its nose, which resembles that of a …
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Sep 4, 2012 · On Aug. 22, 2012, fish spotter Wayne Davis spotted this school of 20 scalloped hammerhead sharks. He found the animals above Oceanographer's Canyon, 100 miles southeast of Nantucket, Mass....
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May 11, 2024 · Remember Space Above and Beyond... reasonably good Sci Fi show.. canned after one season, the marines were ground pounders one week and the next in the SA-43 …
SA-43 Hammerhead - Space Above and Beyond by alpokemon
SSA-43 Hammerhead from the 90's series Space Above and Beyond. This is a remix from Klavs81's awesome open and free 3d.obj from 2010 and ca.
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An obscure show that I remember well and a testing of the water to see if you'd like to see more on it here?6:20 Footage from the show
Hammerhead shark - Wikipedia
The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that form the family Sphyrnidae, named for the unusual and distinctive form of their heads, which are flattened and laterally extended into a …
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The winghead shark is a hammerhead shark that earns its name from its unique-looking cephalofoil. This “hammer” is almost as wide as half the length of the shark’s entire body and …
Hammerhead Fighter from "Space: Above & Beyond" by …
The SA-43 Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Attack Jet, nicknamed "Hammerheads: because of their distinctive canards, were the U.S. Marine Corps' primary space and atmospheric attack …
SA-43 Hammerhead — Scifi-Meshes.com
Nov 5, 2013 · The hammerhead was an interesting fighter. they say Babylon Five was the first show to do realistic space combat physics (naive BSG fans think it was NU BSG) but Above & …
SA-43 Hammerhead from "Space: Above & Beyond" - Toy Mania
This replica of the specially-equipped Hammerhead piloted by Nathan West in the show's smash second season premiere will delight kids and military collectors alike. The Hammerhead …
SA-43 HammerHead Fighter - Fantastic Plastic Models
The SA-43 Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Attack Jet, nicknamed "Hammerheads: because of their distinctive canards, were the U.S. Marine Corps' primary space and atmospheric attack …
Great Hammerhead - Sphyrna mokarran
The great hammerhead is one of the largest predatory sharks but the reported maximum length of 620cm remains unverified. Extremely large adults exceed 500cm but sightings of large …
Great, scalloped or smooth? How to identify a hammerhead shark
Nov 16, 2017 · The head of the scalloped hammerhead has three distinctive features: the series of four bumps on the front of the head, the stubby width of the hammer (relative to great and …
Space: Above & Beyond Hammer Fighter Catlog Page - 1:72
The SA-43 Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Attack Jet, nicknamed "Hammerheads," were the U.S. Marine Corps' primary space and atmospheric attack fighters during the late 21st century. The craft …