growing fresh basil indoors - Search
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  1. How to Grow and Care for Basil Indoors - The Spruce

    • The key to successfully growing basil indoors is light. As with many other herbs, basil is a true sun-lover—place it near a sunny, south-facing window where it gets six to eight hours of bright light every day, a… See more

    Container and Size

    To avoid root rot and other fungal diseases, basil needs a container that allows for good airflow and excellent drainage. A 4-inch pot is usually large enough for a basil starter plant.… See more

    The Spruce
    Potting Soil and Drainage

    Basil needs soil that is moist but well-draining. For best results, amend high-quality potting mix with a few tablespoons of organic compost. Select a pot with large drainage h… See more

    The Spruce
    Potting and Repotting Basil

    If you started basil from seeds, transplant the seedlings from the seed starting tray to a 4-inch pot filled with potting mix and compost. Usually, basil reaches the end of its annual li… See more

    The Spruce
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