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  1. Free Teacher Resumes | PDF | WORD - OpenDocs

    • Include the most recent teaching positions, earned degree(s), and certifications. Consider how you can use this information to impress the person reading the resume. For example, if you had a 4.0 GPA, yo… See more

    Step Two – Choose A Format

    There are different ways to organize a teacher resume. A reverse-chronological format lists the most recent teaching jobs and completed degrees first, followed by the next m… See more

    Step Three – Draft and Revise

    Using a template or an original design, draft the resume. While keeping a resume to one or two pages is recommended, do not fixate too much on the word count. However, if your resum… See more

    Teaching Assistant

    Teaching assistants (sometimes called paraprofessionals) work alongside a teacher in a classroom, often in elementary school or special education settings. This type of resu… See more

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