free printable household supply checklist - Search
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  1. Household Supplies List Inventory Template

    • I always start out by organizing my home supplies in a very similar way to the method I used to organize my pantry- consolidate, combine, and purge. First, take absolutely everything out and put similar thi… See more

    Have A Place (and only One Place, If Possible) For Each Supply.

    Designate one place in your home for each kind of supply. When I need something, I like to know exactly where in our home to look without having to search in 10 different places for it… See more

    Lamberts Lately
    Once There's Under A Week Worth Left, Put It on The Grocery List.

    As supplies are needed, we all know to grab them from our designated supply area. Our rule is to never let the stock in the supply room dip under a week's worth left - if the suppl… See more

    Lamberts Lately
    Use What You Have Before You Buy What You Don't need.

    There is absolutely no point in buying an item when you already have something just like it (or that could substitute for it). A few years ago, one of my New Years' Resolution… See more

    Lamberts Lately
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