free printable encouraging scripture cards - Search
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  1. 100 Amazing (and FREE) Printable Scripture Cards - Garments …

    • These Scripture cards are broken up into the following 11 sections and can be used when you need… 1. Love 2. Encouragement 3. Joy 4. Peace 5. Strength and Power 6. Hope 7. Faith 8. Perseverance in ti… See more

    Free Printable Scripture Cards on Love

    The more we understand about the love of God, the more we understand God himself–becausehe is love. God gives us the power to love others because he is love. Use t… See more

    Garments of Splendor
    Free Printable Scripture Cards on Encouragement Through Prayer

    Focusing on the Word of God during times of discouragement is also a powerful way to get through difficult seasons in life. The Scripture cards in this set feature verses that can giv… See more

    Garments of Splendor
    Free Printable Scripture Cards on Joy

    Joy is more than just a bubbly feeling that comes and goes according to our emotions and circumstances–it is a powerful choice we make as followers of Christ to trust in him and abi… See more

    Garments of Splendor
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